Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!
NEXT WEEK THE TOPIC IS: Top Ten Books I've Read in 2010--a look back into your favorite reads of 2010!
This is the first time we've ever done a collaborative Top Ten Tuesday post. Typically it will just be one reviewer doing the TTT for the week so the list is reflective of that one person's tastes rather than the diverse taste of the blog. So, since we are crossing our fingers and toes that we made it on the nice list this year, we figured we'd do a collaborative post to show what members of The Broke and the Bookish are hoping to get from our dear Santa Claus.
by Jillian Larkin -- Get under my tree, Vixen! Seriously. One thing you may not know about me is that I'm slightly obsessed with the 1920's. I go through phases of reading books set in the time as well as written in that time. And let's be honest. ONE WORD--FLAPPERS! I was a darling flapper one year for Halloween.
(Jamie's pick)
The Broken Kingdoms
by N.K. Jemisin -- I read the first book in the series (The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms) in May and loved it, I've been not so patiently waiting for the sequel ever since. And the cover is really pretty :)
(Daisy's pick)
by Emma Donaghue -- I've read a ton of fantastic reviews of it, and it sounds so interesting, especially because it's from the perspective of a 5-year-old. I love books written from less typical points-of-view! (Natanya's pick)
Phraseology: Thousands of Bizarre Origins, Unexpected Connections, and Fascinating Facts about English's Best Expressions
by Barbara Kipfer -- I normally do not like to own books unless I know I am going to read them over and over, but in this case if this book is what I think it is (a font of awesome knowledge of English) I would want it on my shelf. One of my more recent past times has been filling myself with Jeopardy like information. This book would not only add to that store, but give me more fun facts about a language that I've spoken my whole life. Because seriously, who the hell doesn't want to know where some of those bizarre phrases came from? I mean I just learned from reading the back that "best man" is an allusion to the best man to help capture you a wife. How interesting. (
Julia's pick)
The Jessica Darling 
series by Megan McCafferty-- I've read the first 2 in the series and absolutely adored them. Jessica is a girl I can completely related to and I love her sarcastic voice and tales about her psycho friends. I've heard the rest in the series aren't as good, but I want to form that opinion for myself! (
Kelly's pick)
6. B&N Leatherbound edition of seven of Jane Austen's novels -- It's an absolutely stunning edition. Here's a
link where you can see several pictures of the book. I adore Jane Austen, and this beautiful book is too good to not have it on my shelf! (
Jessi's pick)
by Jennifer Donnelly - It takes place in Paris during the winter so its perfect for this time of year. I've always wanted to visit the City of Lights and a book is a great way to to that when you're on a budget! Plus, I love historical fiction books that weave past and present together. (
Jen's pick)
Endgame Volume 1: The Problem of Civilisation
by Derrick Jensen -- Derrick Jensen is a prolific environmentalist and activist who has written several excellent books on the environment. I've seen several videos of him on youtube and a recent interview with him on Democracy Now! and I'm in awe of his intelligence. This book basically discusses the damage that is being done to the environment and how it's affecting us. Several of my friends have read it and they all say it's the scariest thing they've ever read- the reality that Jensen describes is absolutely terrifying and the message is absolutely clear: unless we instantly stop destroying the environment we will completely obliterate ourselves and every other living thing on the planet in a few short years. My friends also says that the book made them incredibly angry and it really woke them up about what this beautiful planet we live on. Not exactly light-hearted reading but I really want it! (Anna's pick)
Amy & Roger's Epic Detour
by Morgan Matson -- I've been dying to read it ever since
Jen reviewed it. I love road trips and everything else about the book sounds like something I'd love! ( Kimberly's pick)
I'm a Stranger Here Myself
by Bill Bryson--I've listened to the abridged version on CD, but I want to read the rest of it too!
(Tahleen's pick)
What's on YOUR list?
This got up quick!! Love all of our choices! Here's hopin' Santa is good to us all!
ReplyDeleteI have a Vixen bound manuscript, I'd be willing to swap it *winks* ;)
ReplyDeleteI posted mine! :)
ReplyDeleteGood top 10 this week!
ReplyDeleteI have the leather bound BN Grimm collection and the Hans Christian Anderson collection and they are two of the most beautiful books I own. Hope you get you're Jane Austen one!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea for a meme. I have posted mine but do not have high hopes of getting any of them. I do know I'm getting at least one book.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time participating. :) I've been seeing this meme for a time and was hesitant because I am not much for list. Here's by TTT.
ReplyDeleteThough I'm not generally a chick lit type of reader, I found Jessica Darling to be compelling. (Though the first was best....)
ReplyDeleteAnd anything Bill Bryson is worth reading....
My list of books I hope Santa brings is here.
I loved Revolution, it was such a great book. I hope you get some of these for Christmas. =D
ReplyDeleteJoyeuses Fêtes !
ReplyDeleteThe leather-bound copy of Jane Austen's books is beautiful. Hope you get your wish!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get the Jane Austen one. I love her and now I wish I had added that to my list this year :)
ReplyDeleteRoom is on my list as well. I've got a feeling that it will be on a lot of them!
ReplyDeleteLove your picks! Feel free to stop by and check out ours:
I've got Bill Bryson on my list too!
ReplyDeleteMan, I just got the e-mail, so I'll just add my pick here:
ReplyDeleteBrave New World by Aldous Huxley - Because it is my favorite book and I don't actually own it? I find that silly and I wish Santa would bring it to me so my bookshelf can be a little more complete.
What books am I hoping to get from Santa?
ReplyDelete1. Hunger Games triology box set by Suzanne Collins
2. Millennium/Girl with the Dragon Tattoo box set by Stieg Larsson
3. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
4. Matched by Ally Condie
5. Vampire Academy box set by Richelle Mead
6. Of Thee I Sing by President Barack Obama
7. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
8. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
9. Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
10. Strange Fate by L.J. Smith
Great list-I also want Room, and I really wouldn't mind having the leather bound edition of Jane Austen's novels either!
ReplyDeleteHaven't posted mine, as I just ran across this TTT thing today. Will post it soon, and be ready for future top tens.
ReplyDeleteThis was a hard list for me. I just buy books whenever, so I don't have any specific ones I'm hoping for Christmas.
ReplyDeletePS - My first link is broken link. Would you mind deleting the first Jenni Elyse? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI ordered Vixen, Amy and Roger's Detour and Revolution for my oldest...and me ;)
ReplyDeleteRoom is on my list too! Phraseology sounds interesting. I'll have to watch for your review if you get it.
ReplyDeleteI told my parents that if I just got books for Christmas I'd totally be happy lol. Great choices guys!!
ReplyDeleteAmy & Roger's Epic Detour is on my list too! Hope you find these books under your tree :D
ReplyDeleteAmy and Roger's Epic Detour is on mine as well!
ReplyDeleteYou guys always have the best lists! Not only entertaining, but I always walk away with new books on my TBR list! Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI just bought Revolution with the hopes of reading it in the very near future. It sounds really good. Also, I've read Vixen, it's really great. I enjoyed it a ton. Otherwise, great list!
ReplyDelete@iubookgirl I decided to be my own santa and use some of my b&n gift card money to get Phrasology. So it is on the review list!
ReplyDeletePosted my top 10, but it was soooo hard to limit it to 10!
ReplyDeleteIt was so hard to limit it to 10. Amy and Roger was so close to making it. . .loved that book. Thought about Room too.
ReplyDeleteJust to warn you, that leather-bound edition of Jane Austen's novels is fraught with typos. It gets a little painful. But good list, this was fun!
ReplyDeleteI love the collaboration on the list! Especially for your site, you get a nice mix up of books. Great list!
ReplyDeleteI posted! Good idea for this week!
ReplyDeleteGee gosh - I forgot to post a comment here! Soooo sorry! I did my list and had a lot of fun! I had even more fun visiting other peoples lists! Top Ten Tuesday are real did I mention this word: FUN?! ;")
ReplyDeleteOMG this is such an amazing idea for book blogs :D thank you!