Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!
NEXT WEEK: Top Ten Books I Just HAD to Buy...But Are Still Sitting on My Bookshelf (You know you have those..:P and for most of us this list could probably be in the 100's ). Click here for future Top Ten Tuesdays.
As painful as book to movie adaptations can be, the changes they make, the things they leave out... there are some great ones out there, even if they aren't as good as the book (they pretty much never are) they are enjoyable. So, in no particular order, my Top Ten Book to Movie Adaptations.
Harry Potter-
Yes they've changed a TON of things, however I
love these movies. Each one is better than the last. There are so many things they did right too! Some of the casting was brilliant. Maggie Smith as Professor Mcgonagall? Genius. Emma Thompson as Professor Trelawney? Alan Rickman as Snape? Gary Oldman as Sirius? Amazing casting. And I
love the music. It fits the series perfectly!
Princess Bride
- It's better than the book! One of those rare instances where the movie is better. The movie is a classic, and the book... well it's okay, I just didn't care for it.
The Secret Life of Bees
- Okay, so the changed the color of Lily's hair. Big deal. The casting was wonderful, I felt that every one of the actresses fit their roles perfectly. Each detail matched how I pictured it so perfectly.
- Loved the book, loved the movie. I adore Paul Bettany, he was amazing as Dustfinger. (Brendan Fraser, as much as I like him, wasn't the best casting, but oh well.)
- I. Love. This. Movie. It's possibly my favorite movie. The book was only so-so.
The Golden Compass
- A lot of people complain about this, but I really liked the movie. They left out a ton, but they captured each of the characters. Sam Elliot was probably my favorite casting out of all the characters, I love the actor and he made me love one of my favorite characters even more.
The Grinch
- (the live action version) Jim Carey was so perfect for this role, he really pulled it off! They added details to the story that instead of taking away from the story, like so many adaptations do, they enriched the story.
Ramona and Beezus
- Such a cute movie! Perfect actors for the roles, and the movie captured the innocence of the series.
Anne of Green Gables
- Okay, so it's not exactly a movie. It's a three part tv series. But I love the first two (the third one changes
way too much from the book).
Jurassic Park-
Weird choice, I know. I like both of the books, and although they are
very different from the books, I actually like the movies. I was terrified of them when I was younger, I hid my eyes the entire time.
Okay, so that's my list. There are others, but I'm going to keep my list to ten. What are some of your favorites???
Love the movie Stardust but I haven't read the book so it's not on my list
ReplyDeleteI really want to see The Secret Life of Bees and Ramona and Beezus! All of the Ramona books were my all time faves back in the day!
ReplyDeleteGone with the Wind
ReplyDeleteBridget Jones's Diary (I actually liked Bridget a lot more in the movie.)
The Grinch is a favorite of mine, too, especially the line: "Cute kid. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad judge of character."
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the Golden Compass. Rats I missed that one on my list. I love the book the Secret Life of Bees but haven't read the book.
Still have to read some Nicholas Sparks. So sappy, but I think I'd secretly love it!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen most of these, but I agree on The Princess Bride movie being better than the book, although the book was okay. The casting for the Happy Potter movies is great, but I find the movies very uneven in quality, so they didn't make it onto my list.
ReplyDeleteTwo that you remembered but I'd forgotten are Grinch and Anne of Green Gables. Both of these are big favorites, both books and movies.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I love the Harry Potter films and liked the film of Stardust way more than the book. I agree with you about Anne of Green Gables. It also made my list and so did Secret Life of Bees.
ReplyDeleteI guess this is where I should make a suggestion for a future TTT theme: the books you'd LIKE to be seen turn into movies, or at least good adaptations (if a bad one already exists):o) I included this list in this week's post, but others could write about it sometime in the future :o)
ReplyDeleteI like this meme, and intend to play. I disagree strongly about Stardust, though. I actually have it on my post as one of the worst adaptations I know of off the top of my head.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I read and really enjoyed the book first, and much of what I dislike about it is where it diverges from the book. Sometimes what you experience first makes all the difference to a book vs. movie opinion.
I love this meme too, but some weeks I just can't think of 10 to post about. But, this week my brain is working on it
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see someone else included Jurassic Park on their list!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! There are a few on there I haven't heard of or didn't know they were books that I'll have to look into. Jurassic Park is on my tbr list right now!
ReplyDeleteI think there are going to be a lot of different movies on everyone's lists. Mine is completely different from yours. This is going to be great for me... there are so many movies I haven't seen, and this will give me a good place to start!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! You had many here that I'd forgotten about... but then, my list would have been WAY past ten! (I did twenty as it was already!)
ReplyDeleteI wish I'd remembered Anne of Green Gables...but my list has two in common with yours: The Princess Bride and Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (not really a big fan of the other HP movies as book adaptations, though).
ReplyDeleteI wish I'd remembered Anne of Green Gables...but my list has two in common with yours: The Princess Bride and Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (not really a big fan of the other HP movies as book adaptations, though).
ReplyDeleteLive through books -- That is actually on our master list of future top tens! Along with worst book to movie adaptations!
ReplyDeleteSome wonderful choices!! I remember sitting at the end of Jurassic Park staring at the screen and thinking...what!!! They changed the ending!...big time!!! It was a great movie despite that. Loved Anne, Beezus, Princess Bride.
ReplyDeleteJurassic Park!! I love those movies, too!
ReplyDeleteJess @ Gone with the Words
I almost had Stardust on my list too. I loved that movie.
ReplyDeleteReally great top ten! I loved THE GOLDEN COMPASS too, even though a lot was missing. I think the little girl who played Lyra looked just like I pictured Lyra in my head. And she got the accent down so perfect.
ReplyDeleteI think the Bridget Jones movies are another instance that the movie is better than the book. In the book, I was annoyed by Bridget - Renee Zellweger made the character likable and relatable.
ReplyDeleteI loved all of those--you could have had a top 100 list this week :)
ReplyDeleteI loved Ramona and Beezus as well! I took my niece to see it in the theaters and it was so cute!
ReplyDeleteStardust was a great movie! It's interesting how movies can sometimes improve on books, though usually the book is better. Great topic this week :)
ReplyDeleteLove the Grinch!
ReplyDeleteI <3 The Grinch! I like the older animated version better though :)
ReplyDeleteI just commented on a Top Ten post from a few weeks ago..sorry! I do have to say I'm not a fan of The Grinch with Jim Carrey but I LOVED the Anne of Green Gables series!
ReplyDeleteThis was my first Top Ten Tuesday so I was curious how my list matches up with others. I think Jurassic Park and Princess Bride might be our only overlaps. Great choice on Inkheart - I had forgotten that one but it was a great movie and book!
ReplyDeleteLooks like we have some movies to watch! Our post today includes a contest, so stop by if you get the chance.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Stardust. It makes me so happy. I've been wanting to read the book, but just haven't gotten to it yet.
ReplyDeleteOoh, I almost forgot Anne of Green Gables! Thanks for reminding me. I edited my list at the last minute to include it.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read Stardust, but what a likable, hilarious movie! I enjoyed it. Inkheart's another great one.
I have to read Princess Bride! I absolutely adore that movie. Anne of Green Gables miniseries is also a favorite of mine. I liked it better than the books. :)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree about the Princess Bride. It was wonderful! I would also add The Hours. I didn't think that the effect of the book could carry over to film, but it did!
ReplyDeleteFun! I played along.
This made me remember good books and movies.
ReplyDeleteLove all your choices!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more on The Golden Compass. Same Elliott was perfect! I loved him. I also thought Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman were good choices.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the Harry Potter movies, although I was disappointed in a couple of them. But, the casting and music is brilliant. I only wish John Williams would've kept at it.
And, I also put Jurassic Park on my list! How cool is that? :)
Oh, I love Stardust and Anne of Green Gables! (The first two, that is. Like you say, the third one is so COMPLETELY different from the book).
ReplyDeleteI agree that the actors for Harry Potter were very well chosen.
ReplyDeleteI like this thema, I made my top ten almost every week since three month... fun (but in french)!
ReplyDeleteI really wish someone would/could do justice to the His Dark Materials series on film. The Golden Compass wasn't a bad movie by any means (good casting too), but it avoided so many of the main themes of Pullman's work, likely to appease the Catholic/religious outcry it was faced with.
ReplyDeleteAnne of Green Gables and The Princess Bride=my childhood. Both are brilliant.
I didn't love The Golden Compass, but I did think it was fun. I love seeing the spirit animals.
ReplyDeleteA great meme topic. I'm glad I saw it today. Glad I joined.
ReplyDeleteI love making lists, so I know I'm going to have fun with this.
There are several films I love adapted from books I hadn't read so couldn't fairly list them.
The main ones that spring to mind are the LORD OF THE RINGS films. Haven't read the books though I've been meaning to for years.
Oh jeez, and if you check my list you'll see I forgot THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL. The Leslie Howard version, the Anthony Andrews version and the Richard Grant version. All three are terrific. And a mighty terrific book by Baroness Orczy as well.
Meant to add: I didn't love THE GOLDEN COMPASS either, but I did LOVE the bear.
ReplyDeleteI also Stardust, Jurassic and The Grinch (the original).
ReplyDeleteI think I've seen "The Princess Bride" about a squillion times, and it never gets old. I don't remember enjoying the book as much.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Jurassic park scared the tar out of me as a kid. Especially the scene in the kitchen with all those reflective surfaces. I still can't watch that scene, and I'm 23! The book, I think, was just as good, although for slightly different reasons.
I've got The Secret Life of Bees on my TBR list...I'm pretty OCD about reading the book before the movie if at all possible. But, I LOVE Jim Carrey's The Grinch!! HILARIOUS!!
ReplyDeleteI love The Princess Bride--I think I've watched it a hundred times. This list was fun.
ReplyDeleteWriting this top ten list made me realize how few movies I see anymore, so I pulled on some classics like Gone With The Wind and Breakfast at Tiffany's. Fun question.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, you all reminded me of a lot of movies that I forgot! I can't believe I forgot Scarlet Pimpernel, it's one of my favorite movies! I adore Anthony Andrews.
ReplyDeleteLindsay- That seems to be the case. If you read Stardust before you saw the movie, you hated it. And if you're like me, and read it after seeing the movie, you didn't care for the book.
Exciting to see that so many of you had some of the same books/movies on your list!
I forgot Breakfast at Tiffany's. I haven't read the book, but I love the movie. Although the majority of my love for the movie is due to adoring anything Audrey Hepburn.
I'm seeing Stardust a lot! I need to read the book AND see the movie. I just read Anne of Green Gables for the first time so that's a movie I should see too. I can't believe I missed that one as a child.
ReplyDeleteI think Worst Movie Adaptations would be a great topic too. I hate when a great book is ruined by a movie. Like the recent Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI love doing lists too!
Thanks for hosting this!
GAH! How did I miss this one!!! Clearly I wasn't paying attention!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start doing this! Great topics!
ReplyDeleteHey, just posted my link for the same! This was so much fun, though I did run out of steam after the seventh book. ;)
ReplyDeleteHope you like the list. The Bird Sisters and the Thirteenth Tale sound really good. Will check them out, thanks.